Songloom Singer Songwriter Studio: Why Zoom Lessons?

Songloom Singer Songwriter Studio: Why Zoom Lessons?

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We are first and foremost an online studio, and design our Zoom lessons from the ground up to make the most of the format and the great technology it offers. We are really passionate about making lessons a fully immersive, fun and inspiring experience so that students don’t even give a second thought to the differences between online and traditional face-to-face lessons.

What are Zoom lessons?

Zoom lessons are an online alternative to a traditional face-to-face music lesson using the Zoom video conferencing software.

Since COVID most of us are familiar with Zoom, but if you haven’t used it before it works like an online video call with some useful extra features like real time screen, whiteboard and document sharing, and the ability to record all or parts of the lesson for later study.

Zoom is free to download and use, and works on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Online lessons are an extremely flexible and convenient option for learning from anywhere, and the only equipment you will need to get started is your computer or device with a built in camera or external webcam, and possibly a pair of headphones.

Personalised, real-time instruction with no commute.

Zoom lessons are first and foremost a conversation between you and your teacher, just like traditional face-to-face lessons. You both play, sing and demonstrate ideas, and our teachers are highly skilled at explaining clearly how to correct technical problems without being in the same room as you.

We make full use of all the great features of online video conferencing, like screen sharing, writing on the whiteboard or sheet music together in real time, using flashcards and interactive games, and you can record parts of the lesson to practice during the week.

We also use Google documents for collaborative practice journals, which are shared between the you and the teacher, and for our teenage students their parents as well. This practice journal is a place to collate resources, questions, and homework exercises, and you will be able to access it online to study anywhere.

Compared to YouTube tutorials or apps like Yousician and Simply Guitar, Zoom lessons offer an interactive and highly effective learning experience that is tailored to your own unique needs as a learner.

Embrace creative, independent learning.

The only feature of face-to-face lessons that Zoom can't replicate is the ability to play together with your teacher in real-time. Instead, you will learn to play along with a metronome and drum loops, which helps develop a great sense of timing and rhythm. You will also learn how to source and create practice backing tracks, which can be a great first step toward recording your own music. Additionally, your teacher will guide you on effective methods for practicing without their immediate presence, empowering you to become a more self-directed learner. Your teacher will also encourage you to gain playing experience by joining choirs, bands, or starting your own group with musicians at a similar skill level.

These experiences will build your confidence and enhance your overall musicianship, and our students find that taking a more independent approach to their musical development helps them make faster progress towards their goals.

Are Zoom lessons for me?

If you are still unsure if Zoom lessons are the right choice for you we encourage you to book a free 30 minute trial lesson.