SCP #26: Lemon
I won't write too much tonight, instead I'll direct you over to Rehearsal Magazine, who have just published an interview I did with them earlier this week. I will say that today life took over, and I was left with only a small window of time for today's composition. That window didn't coincide with my feeling particularly creative or inspired, so I forced myself through a few 90 second lyric writing exercises and then improvised with results.
Yesterday's piece was set outside a pub (although that's not entirely obvious in the lyrics, but it was my mental setting while I was working on it), so I decided to set this one outside a suburban house party. I ended up just turning the camera on and recording my very first go through the text, without rehearsing anything first. I do this quite a lot when I am composing, but normally I'd listen back and take ideas I like to work with further, rather than beaming that initial improvisation out to the world. So, enjoy this private moment between myself and a new piece of text.