Posts tagged imagination
SCP #124: Drawer Diving

In my chat with Lucy Roleff for Mind Over Myth we talked about being addicted to newness. When I was young my favourite Barbie doll was always the newest one I'd acquired.  I adored that newest doll, dressed it in all the best outfits, devoted hours to creating stories and scenes for it to play in, and then discarded it on the next birthday or Christmas when a new one arrived to take its place.  

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SCP #32: Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers

Today marks the first day of month two of this year-long project.  I should probably write a bit of a reflection on month one, but I might do that as a separate post tomorrow when I have a some free time.  Today I'll keep my writing about my composition, and I might get a little nerdy in today's post.  If you're one of my non-musician friends you might want to skip through to the bit about the lyrics.

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SCP #18: Fig Tree Slumber

I worked out today that I have been writing songs for about fifteen years, which sounds like an amazingly long time, and I feel I should be much better at it than I am by now.  One chunk of that fifteen year period was plagued with horrible writers' block, which was largely due to not knowing how to write about things that were not highly and specifically personal.  Learning how to separate myself from the songs and treat them more like works of fiction really helped me to get past that period, and now my writing tends to draw as much from my imagination as it does my own life experiences.  Opening up space for my imagination means I can turn to books, films, mythology, poetry or art for stories and ideas, without having to wait for something in my own life to throw me a spark of inspiration. 

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