Posts in The Other Side Of Love
SCP #25: Don't Say It

One of the things you learn while studying jazz is how to be complicated.  Every time I write something simple I have this voice in the back of my mind telling me it's not good enough because it's not full of crazy chords or in some kind of weird time signature.  It's a ridiculous mindset, as there is plenty of beauty and skill in composing simply, but I really have to work hard to convince myself of that when I'm in the middle of writing and my inner critic is judging like mad. 

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SCP #24: Sun-Pearl

Good morning!  Here's a belated post for yesterday's song.  I feel like I need to prove somehow that I did write and record it yesterday, but you'll just have to take my word for it.  I didn't finish getting the video ready until well after 1am last night, so I pressed upload and went to bed.  I had to re-watch it this morning to remember what I had done, and discovered there is some grammatical weirdness at the end of the lyrics that is going to irritate me all day.  I had been wrestling with the end of the lyrics for a while, and in the end I called time and just went with what I had.   I'm glad I didn't just leave out the second verse completely, as I now have a rough draft that I can polish up.

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SCP #21: The Sea

Week three down, only 49 to go.  The end is nowhere in sight, but I'm still mostly enjoying myself. Yesterday was a first for me in terms of improvising on guitar and voice at the same time, today's piece is a first in that I've never really used my loop pedal with a guitar before, only with my voice.  Each of these daily compositions give me a chance to try out new ideas, but they also give me a chance to struggle at actually performing them without much practice.

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SCP #20: Wild Daisy

My friend Emilee Seymour (who is a wonderful multi-disciplinary artist) told me in an email the other day she was intrigued by the writing exercises I've mentioned a few times in this blog, so I thought I'd use that as an excuse to talk about them in a little more detail today.  First, my connection to yesterday comes by way of dandelions, which are part of the daisy family.  I dipped into the Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore and the Occult Sciences again, which told me "it is very unlucky to transplant wild daisies into a cultivated garden".  Using this idea of trying to tame a wild daisy I conducted two three-minute writing exercises, the first prompted by wild daisy and the second by cultivated daisy.

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SCP #10: The End Of A Feeling

I don't have a lot of brain space left tonight, but I'll do my best to bash out a few cohesive thoughts on this piece.  Today was an exercise in learning that something is enough.  This one is not very long, and there was far more I was playing around with, but it got to 11:30pm and I decided to just record the most cohesive part.  I tried to treat it like a finished piece in performance, and just making that mental decision seemed to help solidify it as a composition that is complete in itself regardless of what it wanted to be originally

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SCP #9: The Taste Of A Stammer

Today's contribution starts to stretch the definition of music a little, but it falls within my use of the term.  This was a purely lyrical endeavour, and came from the line "tripping through streets in insensible shoes" from yesterday, which I found myself turning around in my head long after I'd finished the recording.  I decided to take the dominant sounds of that line, S's and T's, as my starting point.  After brainstorming a whole lot of words that featured those sounds I put them together into random sentences, and the one I really liked the sound of was "the taste of a stammer".  I used that as the starting point for a narrative, and fleshed out the text with other words from my brainstormed list, weaving them together in ways I liked both alliteratively and narratively

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SCP #8: You And Her

Day 8, and I still haven't quite got my inner critic under control.  It sneaks up on me in the middle of experimenting with an idea and tells me it isn't good enough. Or it's not "me" enough. Or it's too much like something else I've written.  Or it's just not very interesting.  There's a very strong personal element that comes into play too, the idea isn't good, original or interesting enough and therefore you as a person aren't either.  If you let them take over, these feelings can stop any kind of creative progress in its tracks. 

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SCP #1: The Number Of Petals My Heart Has Left

The tyranny of the blank page... 

It turns out there was a fatal flaw in my plan for this project: I didn't have any kind of starting point for the very first song.  I'm naturally an excellent procrastinator if given the chance, and I almost decided that my announcement of the project would count as today's work.  But I made a late dash to the finish line after dinner and emerged triumphant.

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